We started last Friday with a trip to the coast with some friends who were visiting from Utah. The day was very fun, and the kids were having a blast. Then when it was about time to head back home, the kids wanted to jump in the waves one last time. They headed out into the water just as they had been all day. Abram and Jake took 10 steps farther than the others, yet were still only up to their belly buttons. Instantly a rip current took them 20 yards north, where in the incoming tide started churning them and bashing them against the big rocky point we had been near. There was nothing we could do to help them. Mark and our friend started running when they saw the kids swept away, Mark trying to get there over the rocks, and our friend headed through the water. I couldn't see anything from where we were, and for about 2 minutes I thought both of my boys were dead.
There was a man fishing on the point who saw this all happen. He threw down his pole and rushed to drag my boys up the barnacle-covered rock to safety. The tide would throw them against the rock, and then pull them back out. He was finally able to get both of them by the hand and save their lives. He led them up and over the huge rock hill where we could see they were fine. Their legs were ripped to shreds from the barnacles, but they were alive. That was a very overwhelming emotion to hug my boys after I had nearly lost them.
This man who saved their lives asked Mark and me if we are Christians. We told him we were, and he told us his story. He had been at home and received a very strong inspiration that he should go fishing on the point that afternoon. He had no reason to go fishing on a hot afternoon, but he listened to his prompting and went fishing. He said he understood now why he was there. He told us if he had not been there, our boys would be dead.
How can you thank someone for saving the lives of your children? What can you say to him? We will forever be grateful that he heard and listened to God's prompting to go fishing.
What did we learn from this experience? Plently of things. Obviously that we should be more careful at the coast. More importantly is this: When Heavenly Father tells you to do something, just do it. You never know when YOU are the answer to someone's prayers. Don't ever second-guess yourself.
That experience was traumatic for all of us, but we are fine. Abram's knee is very painful, and Jacob's legs look like he was dragged....well...over a wall of barnacles. But we are all more grateful for each other and for the time God has given us to be with each other.