I'm happy to report that Mark and I both have accomplished our New Year's Resolutions: to run 5 miles. But we're not stopping there.
That's right. I'm a runner. I've never been a runner before. I've jogged from time to time. I was in pretty good shape, too. But after Zachary was born, I never really got into a consistent exercise program, and never got into shape. Let me tell you, giving birth 7 times can do a number on your abs.
Mark had been running in the early mornings most of the fall, but sometime in January he came home from his 3 miles and said he was going to do 5. And then after a few days of 5 miles, he told me he had one more marathon in him. I decided if he was going to train for a marathon, he would soon weigh less than me, so I had better get going on losing the 10 pounds I should have lost a long time ago. Sadly, this realization came during the coldest winter EVER here, but that hasn't stopped me.
We both get up at 5:30 in the morning and run. Mark counted this morning how many things he puts on to run in this cold weather--19: 2 socks, compression shorts, tights, heart monitor, shirt, fleece shirt, jacket, 2 gloves, earband, hat, and wind/rain pants, 2 shoes, reflector vest, watch, and 2 blinky arm bands. I have fewer things I put on, because I absolutely hate to sweat and would rather start out cold than end super sweaty. But it's mostly the same. It's an ordeal. But the rain, cold and snow haven't stopped us yet. Still, I long for warmer days when I can throw on a tank top and shorts and go.
At first I could run 3 miles. I did that for a few weeks, and then bumped up to 4, and then 4.4. Now I'm up to 5, and I never thought it would be possible. The biggest bummer of this whole thing is the lack of movement on the scale. 6 weeks of running and very healthy eating had brought me no visible reward on the scale. However, my pants were suddenly hanging off of me, so I knew something was happening. And then this week FINALLY I got to slide the weight to the left on our scale! I'm down 4 pounds, and I hope that's just the beginning. It is still so unfair how fast Mark's weight is melting away.
Mark is running in the Seattle Rock and Roll Marathon--the whole thing. I call him Phidippides now because he is a running machine. I'm running the 1/2 marathon in Seattle, because I am deathly afraid of a full marathon. But I know I can do 13.1. I'm going to run 7 miles this weekend. The marathon is at the end of June, and I'll be ready.
The crazy thing is how easy it is to get up at 5:30 in the morning once that is just what you do. It's not a big deal at all. In fact, I usually wake up about 2 minutes before the alarm goes off. I guess it helps that I go to bed by 9:30.