Thursday, December 13, 2007

Here I go!

Zachary has been sick the past 2 days, and wanted nothing but snuggles. I don't mind, of course, because he is the cutest little guy in the world. His fluffy white goodness is all I need to be happy. It's very therapeutic to stroke his hair. It is softer than anything on earth. And normally he is so squirmy that I don't get much Zacky-lovin these days. He wanted to sit on my lap today, so I thought I'd try to figure this blog thing out. Typically Zack can't leave the mouse or keyboard alone, but he must really not be well, because he let me do my nerd thing without even complaining.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you have a blog! It will be fun to see recent pictures and read new stories about the fam.
