Tuesday, February 12, 2008


If anyone ever is wondering what the word RANDOM means, you can step for 2 minutes into my door and you will see.

First of all it is my furniture. We have been waiting until the student loans were paid off (last fall) and then to get our 2006 taxes paid off (last month) before buying any real furniture. We got a couch from my Grandma which is very comfortable and pretty, but all around it I have a random assortment of chairs. Hopefully this summer we can get more of a theme going on.

Second, it is the kids. Who knows what Savanna will be wearing. It is usually some colorful outfit, made up of different textures, seasons and colors. Savanna never wears matching socks. She picks 2 socks that complement her outfit, but never the same. It saves me time, so I don't complain--I just dump all of her socks into a shoebox in her drawer without having to match them up. Nothing goes as well with her inventive outfits as her pink sparkly shoes. They match everything!

Another favorite random thing is the costume boxes downstairs. The kids play in costumes almost every day. Above is a picture I snapped the other day of them after they had come upstairs. When we moved here six years ago, the boy next door was over playing once. He came running upstairs (he was 3). "Jill, Jill!!!! The kids are playing with the costumes!" He thought they were in big trouble. I just said, "Find something you want to wear, " and I sent him back downstairs. Apparently costumes are only for Halloween at his house.

The other random thing you will find here is which room is clean. I have my housekeeping divided into days. Not all of the house is clean on the same day. If you want to see my kitchen clean, come on Tuesday. If you want a clean toilet seat, Wednesday is your best bet. And make sure your dirty clothes are in the laundry chute Monday morning, or it could be another week until you see them.

1 comment:

  1. He was a good man... that Reagan fellow. He was a good man.
