Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hacksaw Hero

Mark saved the day yesterday. When he came home and I told him about the adventurous morning I had in the laundry room, he got right to work. He took his cell phone downstairs so he could listen to the phone ring inside the wall. He then used his extraction expertise and opened up the wall and removed the insulation. The exposed pipe was no match for his hacksaw. He was able to locate the precise location of the phone using the ringer for a clue. He sliced through that pipe, and retrieved the phone. Hooray! Only some minor saw-marks on the top end of the phone, but as good as new. Then he filled the pipe with quilt batting so Zachary can't hide any more treasures in there. Hopefully we will finish the basement this coming winter and I'll have my 2 washers and 2 dryers hiding the pipe.

I am amazed through this at how tall Zack is. I can't believe he was tall enough to see up that high on the wall and notice there was a hole to put the phone in! He is totally off the chart for 18 months old, and the size of an average 2 1/2 to 3-year-old. Hooray for his X chromosome! He has the best chance of our boys at breaking the 5-10 barrier that has eluded Mark and his brothers. Actually, I think Noah will be the only one of the boys to not break that barrier. But Zack will definitely tower over all of us someday.

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