Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The last week of school

Things around here are busy. Zack is feeling about 90% back to normal. I knew things were looking up last night when he colored on the kitchen walls with a sharpie marker and was climbing up onto the counters. Zack is back!

Noah's class went on a field trip to a YMCA camp nearby yesterday. They did archery, rockwall climbing, tye-dying and hiking. Noah said that was the order in which he liked things. Not surprisingly, Noah's teacher was amazed at his skills with the recurve bow. But she was more impressed with his rockclimbing skills. She was stunned to see him make it over a very tricky spot that no first grader should be able to negotiate. And then he made it to the top of the wall. She said when he made his way down that everyone should give Noah some applause. I was not surprised to hear this about his climbing skills. He's been carefully honing them since he was 6 months old.

Abram and Aubrey finish school today. Last night was the 8th grade "recognition" night. It was fun to see Abram get all dressed up in his shirt, tie and fedora. He looked foxy. Although I truly detest graduations, this one was almost tolerable. They had a slideshow of everyone, and it was great to hear people scream and holler when Abram's picture came up. Back in my day I would have been one of the kids whose slide was met with silence. He's a step up from his nerdy mom.

The charter school has its last day Friday. The boys are very sad to say goodbye to school for the summer. They have loved every day of their new school this year.

Savanna got her 5-year-old shots this week. I've been through it 6 times so far, usually with the 5-year-old shedding a few tears, but otherwise nothing too traumatic. Things didn't go so well for Savanna. I had to hold her legs down with my legs, and use my arms to pin her arms down. She screamed and kicked. She did not want shots. But then it was over in 30 seconds, and we went on with life. Now she's all ready for school.

Abram and Aubrey are having a big backyard party on Friday, so that's my project for the next few days. Costco, here I come!

1 comment:

  1. You've gotta post pictures of Abram wearing his Indiana Jones hat at graduation.
