Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We are Siamese if you please

Joel and Noah are experts at bird identification. They each can distinguish between at least 50 bird species. They can tell you the difference between a scrub jay and a stellars jay, and that you won't see a blue jay anywhere around here. This picture of them was taken a couple of weeks ago while they were camping with Mark. Joel got those fantastic binoculars for his birthday to help with his ornithology.

When it comes to cats, they aren't so good at identification. Sure, they can identify a cat when they see one, but as far as what kind of cat, that is another story. This is a conversation I overheard in the car last week while we were waiting for Aubrey at her harp lesson.

Noah: Joel, do you see that black cat over there? I think that is Jenny's cat.
Joel: Yes, that does look like Jenny's black cat, but I wonder why it is at the neighbor's house.
Noah (proudly): I think it is a si-uh-neez cat!
Joel (sternly): No, Noah. A Siamese cat has two heads.

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