Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Our house is pure chaos. All the basement stuff is upstairs, the basement is being worked on, the backyard is 100% dirt, and the toys are all boxed up and stacked up out of reach. Our kids are starting to get a little cabin fever. Patience is wearing thin, and the kids are just getting a little bored. I'm glad we at least have TV again!

This week's project has been the irrigation system in the backyard. 12000 square feet of grass, a 310-foot shrub bed surrounding the grass, and 115 sprinkler heads. It's a huge project. Our good friend KC is helping us with it (basically he is doing it and we follow his orders), and it's really going well. He ran the trencher for 7 hours the other night getting most of the trenches dug. The offshoots going into the shrub bed were a little too steep for the trencher to handle, so those have all been dug by hand. It has been a lot of work, and we are all very sore, and some are a little sunburned. But next week when the hydroseed truck comes, we can just sit back and breathe a sigh of relief. We are teaching the kids about "sweat equity" and the payoffs of working hard.

Did you know hydroseed is only $0.08 per square foot? It sounds like the lazy way out, but it's all about the money. The way Mark does grass seed, we would spend 4 times that amount!

I'm just excited to see green grass out there. The drywall should be done by the first of September, and then we can get some boys moved to the basement and start to slowly get things back to normal. It will be the end of October before we are done with the whole basement project, but it will be worth the wait, I'm sure.

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