Monday, September 8, 2008

My little buddy

Zack is figuring out this "only-kid-at-home" thing. After we dropped off the kids today, we came back home, and I said, "Zack, it's just you and me. What should we do?" He immediately ran to the cupboard in the kitchen where I keep puzzles, and shouted, "PLAY!" So we got out the puzzles and did them all. As we were doing the 4th or 5th puzzle, Zack started talking to himself (which he does a lot). He was saying, "Daddy work.....Abram at school....Aubrey at school....Jacob at school....Joel at school.....Noah at school.....Nanny at school......Zacky not at school." After puzzles, we did playdough for a while, as we listened to the lovely sounds of screw guns putting sheetrock up in the basement.

1 comment:

  1. oh so fun. I love little boys...but then you know, as you have one more than me : )
