Friday, October 31, 2008

one half teaspoon for fast, effective relief

My colonoscopy is today. You can imagine how my night went.... If not, then watch Dumb and Dumber. Hopefully I will have some answers today as to what sent me to the ER last month. And also hopefully it isn't anything really bad. I'm quite anxious.

Which reminds me. It's time for a grammar lesson. Some of you might be saying, "Are you crazy? Who would be anxious about a colonoscopy?"

The answer is EVERYONE!

Anxious and eager are not the same thing. You are EAGER for Christmas, vacations, a party, or payday or a birthday. You are ANXIOUS (same root as anxiety) for colonoscopies, speaking in public, going to the dentist, or for final exams.

Of course, it is possible to be both eager AND anxious at the same time. For example, I am anxious about having a colonoscopy, but I am also eager to find out what is wrong with me.

My apologies to those of you who did not need or want this little grammar lesson. I just didn't want any of you spreading a rumor that I was excited about a colonoscopy. :)

1 comment:

  1. Hope all goes well with your test today...and the results.

    Your grammar lesson made me think about how we are "anxiously engaged in a good cause"...(D&C 58)
