Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Running update

Mark and I are both moving toward our goals for the marathon/ 1/2 marathon June 27th. Mark has lost so much weight that he is in need of a new wardrobe. We had to buy him a new suit because the super nice Nordstrom suit we bought for him 2 years ago looked like a big black bubble on him. If anyone out there wants a really, really nice black suit 42 short, 36x30 pants, or if you know where I can donate it, let me know! He sure looked foxy in his new suit on Sunday. We also need to find a new home for 2 very nice pairs of wool dress pants, and some 16 1/2 neck shirts. Mark wears the same size he wore when we got married. I'm working on the same goal. Right now my immediate goal is just to stay smaller than Mark.

Last Saturday Mark ran 18 miles at an 8 1/2-minute-mile pace. In case you don't know, that is butt-kickin' fast. He then came home and worked in the back 40 for about 4 hours. I ran 9.3 miles 2 weeks ago, and really hurt myself, so I took an easy week of 5-milers, and had a good 8 mile run last Saturday. So far this month I have run 47 miles. This morning was a big pay-off. I am not a fast runner, and my biomechanics were totally wrong. I have been reading about and working on my form, and then today I ran my 6 miles in under 60 minutes. That 10-minute-mile seemed impossible to me. I could do 10 1/2 minute miles, but I really wanted to do 6 in under 60 minutes. Today I had 30 seconds to spare.

I keep thinking I should literally be running my butt off, but the scale is not cooperating. My clothes are definitely loose, and my legs are much, much stronger. But I want to slide that dang weight on the scale down a little more. I'm all about rewards. How else can I be motivated to wake up at 5:00 every morning if there is no weight loss? But as long as I have to move it down from Mark's weight, I'm OK. The first 10 weeks brought no visible reward on the scale--but these last 2 weeks it seems that my body is cooperating.

Other great news around here is that Zachary is totally potty trained. Self-taught-no-lessons. It was his idea to give up the diapers cold turkey 2 weeks ago, and he has been doing almost perfectly. He did have an accident at the nursery Sunday, though. In getting 7 kids ready for and to church by myself, I forgot to put a pull-up on him (which I had been doing for times we were away from home for more than a half hour). But he sleeps dry, and he can finally tell me when he needs to go rather than me asking him 40 times a day if he needs to go. Happy days. Abram is turning 15 next month, and from the day he was born until Zacky, we have always had somebody in diapers. So glad to be done with that.


  1. YIPPY! No more diapers for you!
    I still remember our final diaper day! Only...now we're in diaper duty with grandkids. Oh the joys!

  2. Congrats, Jill, on the awesome running. So inspiring. You need to do more checks with the fit of your clothes and a tape measure than the annoying scale. (first the fat comes off--not that you have much!--outside the muscle, then you start carving it off within the muscle fiber. You need to do measures and the math is fun to watch! Too bad you didn't get it from the first...) I've been sorting through stuff, I'm amazed at the size (not weight) I was when running lots. Way to go!

  3. I'm glad to see you starting to lose some of the weight. I just barely have really kicked in the weight loss. Every Saturday, I'm burning off almost 3000 calories, I should be losing something! I weighed myself at the gym the other day, and I am finally pre-E weight. It comes, but s-l-o-w-l-y for the Breinholt girls.
