Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bella's Mittens

Next week I am going to start a new project. First I need to get my Halloween sewing over. Noah decided that his Rhino the Hamster needed a tail, Bolt wanted feet, and Jake decided he wants a gorilla costume. Tail and feet are done, but I'm heading to the fabric store in a minute to get the makings for a teenage gorilla.

I like to take my knitting bag with me wherever I go; you never know when you're going to end up waiting somewhere with nothing to do. I have a very hard time sitting still, and I need something to do in those situations.

Apparently these are the mittens Bella wore in the first Twilight movie. I am not willing to torture myself by watching it again to verify that fact--I'll just have to trust my nieces. I do love these mittens. Why do glove-makers make gloves and mittens so that 3 inches of my arm is exposed to cold, wind and snow between the end of my sleeve and the top of the glove? I guess it could just be my freakish anatomy where my limbs abnormally long. Who knows? At least these mittens will keep me toasty.

If you are a knitter, you can download the pattern here.


  1. whoa! love love love these mittens! i didn't see twilight, so i haven't seen them before, but i'm hoping my mom will have the skills to make these.

  2. I love them! It's so funny, I'm always dealing w/sleeves to my knuckles.

    How is your leg/foot? I had tendonitis and was in a short cast. No running. No fun. I had to grieve. Hope you're OK.

    Thanks for the cookie recipe. They were a hit at Scott's work, and with the book group. SO easy. Too bad my family doesn't like pumpkin.

  3. Ok, can I pay you to make these for me. In that color exactly! Please!
