Today we celebrate the happiest and hardest day of my life. The day that Zack joined our family and made us all so happy. He has always been the sweetest, happiest, most mellow, and most charming boy I can imagine. He is witty and smart, and so dang cute.
He started out at a scrawny 9 pounds 13 ounces, 2 weeks early. What a sweet little bug.
We'll never forget his first birthday when we all watched the big red number 1 balloon fly away up into the air unexpectedly.
By the time Zack was 2, he could speak in complete sentences, and tell jokes like nobody's business. He also potty-trained himself at about 2 1/2.
It seems like just yesterday that he turned 3. He is so great at explaining and describing everything, and he is super observant. He remembers everything and can find anything that I have misplaced.
I love everything about this boy. His face, his giggle, his toes, his soft, fluffy hair, his big eyes, his white teeth, and his huge hands. I love to snuggle with him, and I'm so glad that he still likes to snuggle up with me. He loves most movies that I do, and we could read books all day without him getting bored. He can run faster and jump higher than any kid I've ever seen. And boy, can he sing! One year until he goes to school. I've got to live it up.
One good thing about Zack turning 4 is that now when people ask him, "Are you four or five?" He will be able to say, "Four," rather than giving them a crazy look like, "What is wrong with you? I'm three."
love all Zach's moves! you should print it as big as the polar bears and put it in the dental office!