Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My Zacky Buddy

Although I dearly love all seven of my children, I really love my alone time every day with Zack when the 6 oldest go to school. I don't know what I will do when Zack goes to Kindergarten next year. He is so fun to hang out with. He loves to play soccer, make cookies, color, snuggle up to watch movies, and he loves to help me clean. He is great at sorting the laundry. He pretty much just likes to hang with me. Once the six kids are all delivered to their three schools, he sighs and says, "Is it just you and me now?"

I told him that when he goes to school next year I am going to cry. He said, "I'm not." I guess he is excited to join the world of big kids, but he still does love to play with me.

I love this face when he is concentrating.
This is his scared out of his mind face. When we visited the Salt Lake Temple this summer, the other kids were all happy to stand up in the little alcove at the top of the stairs for a photo. Zack thought for sure he was going to fall and die. He is very afraid of heights, and of being alone.
Zack is an incredible artist. He will sit and color very detailed pictures for hours. He always stays in the lines, and he is starting to make his own pictures. He loves to color and paint. It is probably his favorite thing to do--besides make gingerbread cookies.
He also loves to do whatever the big kids are doing. This picture was a Hill AFB this past summer. The other kids all took a turn in the airplane seat, and he couldn't be left out. It's a happy face and he is doing a happy dance in the photo.
Zack is a happy little dude. He will go wherever, whenever, do anything, eat anything. He begs to go to bed, and wakes up early, almost always in a very happy mood. Every now and then something random will completely make him come unglued (like when he didn't quite get the hymnbook open to the right page by the time we were finished singing the hymn at church on Sunday), and he will cry inconsolably. Just as fast as the crying started, something else will snap him out of it and he will be fine again. He is so sweet and so super snuggly.

Zachary is slowly beating his fear of water. At the beginning of the summer, he didn't even want to get in the pool, although he loved to wear his swimming suit. But now, he will be in a pool, as long as he knows it is shallow and it doesn't go above his shoulders. He will be really brave and dunk his head in the water, but only if he is standing on a step in the pool, and his face is also over the stairs. As long as he knows there is only 1 foot of water below his face, he will dunk his whole head over and over. But if I am holding him in the pool and ask him to dunk his head, he is terrified.

I love this guy. I love to hear him talk and describe things to me. He is very vivid with words, and paints a very clear picture of what he is thinking or seeing. I love having that insight into his big brain and the way it sees the world.

My favorite Zacky quote of late is, "Everyone's heart sounds like a skateboard on the sidewalk."

1 comment:

  1. I loved being the youngest for many of the reasons you just described. I remember my mom saying every morning when the kids left for school, "Just you and me, kid." It was my favorite thing in the world to hear.

