Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Timberline Lodge

I started at tradition with the Young Women in our ward of going each summer and spending a night at Timberline Lodge. It is undoubtedly their favorite activity of the year. Timberline has rooms called "chalets" that are no more than bunk-bed rooms. Chalet #15 has 5 bunk beds, and room for lots of girls, and is really cheap. So we rent that room and all have a party. This year it turned out that a lot of girls were out of town or had other conflicts for the trip, so we only had 8 girls. But let me tell you, 8 girls and 2 women can have a lot of fun together.

This year we first went to Trillium Lake for a picnic lunch and hike around the lake. It is such a beautiful spot, and when you are there on a weekday, it isn't too crazy crowded. The girls decided to go "owling," which I learned means you crouch down and pretend to be an owl. Lots of owling going on everywhere.
The view of Mt. Hood from Trillium Lake.Our lunch spot by the lake.
After our hike we checked in to the lodge and spent hours at the pool. Then we went to our room and I cooked waffles. For our dinner we made waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, and educated ourselves by playing the game "Worst-Case Scenario". Then we went back to the pool for a couple of hours, and then back to the room for a round of "What If." Probably the funniest game ever. Usually somebody wets her pants when we play it, but this year I think we only had close calls.

I love my girls.
The view from behind Timberline Lodge.
More owls.

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