Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Zacky's best friend

Zachary had his buddy Freddy come home from school with him today.  They are in Kindergarten together, and they really are the cutest little friends.  Freddy was a little timid about coming to our house today, so once we got in the car and were on the way home I thought I would break the ice a little bit with a question.  Boy, did I pick the right question.

I asked Freddy if they had a fun Thanksgiving.  He opened right up and started telling me every detail about how his mom killed the turkey in his grandpa's garage.  He couldn't stop telling me about how exciting it was to watch the head get chopped off and all the blood and stuff coming out, and then his mom had to take out the heart from inside the turkey.  He was waaaay too detailed for it to have been a made-up story.  It was so funny.

When we got to our house, Zack showed Freddy around and they played with a million different things, first upstairs, and then in the basement.  Then they settled down to watch a movie when the UPS guy came with the first of many Christmas boxes that will be arriving in the next few days.  This box was HUGE! And clean!  Usually boxes that arrive are somewhat dirty--at least too dirty for me to be OK with on my floor.  But this one was shiny and new, so I brought it in, got out the markers and told the boys to get busy coloring the box.  Freddy had the idea to make it into a school bus and they colored for the rest of the afternoon.

I made chocolate chip cookies for them, and Freddy was in heaven.  He had never had milk with cookies before.  He looked at us like we were crazy at first, but then he was hooked.

Then it was time to take Freddy back to school where his mom was picking him up.  I asked her if the story of the turkey was true, and she admitted it was completely true.  A friend who owns a farm had given them the organic turkey, and she had indeed slaughtered it herself.  She said it was the first and the last time she would ever do that.

Next week it is Zachary's turn to go to Freddy's house.  I wonder what kind of stories he will tell them about me.

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