Friday, December 9, 2011

And so it begins...

Maybe this is too much information, but I have to share.  Because everyone should have a colonoscopy.  At least everyone who loves their family should have one--even if you think you are too young.

Today is my colonoscopy appointment.  I am expecting the doctor to find everything is just fine, as it has been only 3 years since my last colonoscopy.   But with the polyp discovered last time, and the family history of colon cancer I've got going on, you never know.  My dad should have been fine when they found his tumor that had been growing for at least 7 years only 4 years after his previous colonoscopy.  Basically, you don't mess with colon cancer, and when there is such a simple procedure to screen for it, I am always surprised when people are afraid to go in.

Seriously, people say that a colonoscopy is the worst thing ever.  Well, I can think of a lot of things worse, one of them being colon cancer.  Another one is liver cancer which could have also have been prevented if the colon cancer had been detected before it had spread to the liver.

A colonoscopy is not the worst thing ever.  It's actually no big deal.  Sure, you go a day having only clear liquids for food, but so what?  Did you know that Slurpees are considered a clear liquid?  And apple cider, popsicles and jello are as well.  Of course there is the night spent in the bathroom after chugging a bunch of MiraLax-laced Gatorade, but that's not a big deal either.  It's a small price to pay.  You just have to plan ahead and make sure it is a day that you don't need to be anywhere or accomplish anything critical.  Your family can have Taco Bell

Of course, if you know someone who has battled colon cancer, you can think about him (or her) and how a colonoscopy saved his or her life and that makes any temporary inconvenience disappear.  Today I'm thinking about my fantastical dad who is now 3 years cancer free after battling first colon and then liver cancers, and my amazing neighbor who is battling colon cancer like a champion with a big smile on his face.

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