Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A forgotten post...The Birthday I'll Never Forget

I should have written this post last 15 months ago.  I forgot I had these pictures.

My 38th birthday was pretty dang exciting.  We were in Salt Lake city, and a family I grew up with invited my entire family to a birthday bash for me.  Our families had not been all together in decades, and it was a very exciting day.

The party was at my friend's house, and it started off pretty harmlessly.  We all had some delicious food, and then the kids went off to play in the basement.  Within about 5 minutes, Savanna came upstairs crying.  Now when the kids cry, unless they are vomiting or bleeding I tell them to shake it off and they will be fine.  But Savanna was bleeding--from right next to her eye!

She had been playing foosball with her cousin, and he had pushed the stick from his side to kick the ball, but the other end of the stick was exactly at the height of Savanna's eye.  It popped her skin right open.

Maybe if this had been a boy I would have just butterfly-bandaged it up and told him he would have a cool scar.  But this was my precious girl!  I didn't want her to have a scar on her face.  So my mom and I left the party to find an emergency room where she could be stitched up.

The doctor originally wanted to just glue it, but I wouldn't let him.  Of course, gluing is easier, and you don't have to give kids a shot to numb anything.  But Savanna has a scar on her forehead from a botched gluing from when she was 2.  I didn't want that right on her cute face.  I insisted on stitches, and the doctor agreed that was a better fix for this cute girl's face.   She didn't even flinch when he numbed her up.  We were glad to have my mom with us, because we all were laughing about all kinds of things, and then Savanna laughed so hard that she snorted, which made us all laugh even more.
Two little stiches and she was as good as new.

We headed home the following day so the kids could start school.  This is what Savanna looked like for her first day of school last year.

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