Wednesday, May 30, 2012

An exciting week

Monday we spent the entire day cleaning the garage and hanging bikes.  The older kids spent several hours outside with the backpack sprayers killing weeds, I cleaned out my car (but apparently not thoroughly on), and we had a fun dinner together.  Mark and the boys were in charge of getting the entire flag route for their boy scout fundraiser, which took about 4 hours of the day--with 2 separate cars going and placing and then collecting the flags.  I really don't like Monday holidays, because after all the business you still have to get kids in bed and things cleaned up and ready for a day of work and school the next morning.

Yesterday I had the craziest thing happen.  I had just gone out to lunch with one of my YW who is graduating from high school, and as we drove away from the restaurant she noticed something crazy... And weird... And creepy.

There was a tiny spider web going from my center console up to the dashboard, and on that tiny little tightrope there were about 200 baby spiders climbing around!!!  They were bright yellow and sooo small.  Then we looked and they were all over the front seat and the center console.  We screamed a little and I said, "I think we should pull over."  So I pulled over into the first parking lot we came to and we madly flung hundreds of baby spiders out of my car.  After we calmed ourselves down we continued our journey to our shopping destination.  We had to kill about 5 more spiders on the way, but then we didn't see any more of them.  But I found one when I drove the kids to school this morning.  That was freaky and hopefully it is over.

Yesterday morning I noticed that Noah's cheeks were all red.  This is nothing new, because Noah is usually running around doing something crazy.  But then I realized he had just rolled out of bed and taken a shower, so they shouldn't have been red from anything he had been doing.  He felt great and I took him to school.

When I picked him up at school I noticed the red cheeks were still bright red, and that his neck looked a bit red as well.  As soon as we got home and I got a good look at him I realized that his red cheeks were not from his exertion at his recess at the end of the day, but rather he had somehow contracted Fifth Disease.  I was 98% sure this was the case, but I gave him Benadryl just in case it was an allergic reaction to something.  The rash didn't stop and has not made its way all over his belly and onto the tops of his arms.  It's a virus that causes pretty much only this crazy rash, but it is highly contagious.  So Noah is in quarantine again...but this time all alone.  This year has been crazy for how many days my kids have missed school from being sick.  Normally it just a few, but for Noah I think this was 12!

Next year everyone will be at a new school...hopefully not as germy as this charter school has been for my little guys.

Today I was dropping Joel off at school and Mark called in a panic because all of the office computers except for his office one were not working at all.  I figured that they were blowing something simple out of proportion (as usual), but when I arrived I found that indeed only the server and Mark's computer could see each other...nobody else was on the network.

I have no idea what is going on, but somehow all of the computers except for the server and Mark's had been kicked off of the network and their ip address erased.  And the network will not assign any automatic IPs.  So I manually assigned the 10 computers an IP for now, and everyone can see each other, use Dentrix and take x-rays now.  I will have to go tonight and figure out what is really going on.   It's all crazy and I really don't know what I am doing, but hopefully it will become apparent what I need to do tonight.

So that has been my exciting week so far... And it's only Wednesday!

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