Friday, May 18, 2012

Ready to race

Tomorrow is the big day.  I have not done a half marathon since last summer, and I really hurt my knee last time I did this.  I have not had any knee pain at all since July, though, so I am hopeful that my IT-band race curse will not strike tomorrow.  I just want a chance to race with my heart and give it all I've got.  I've never been able to do that in the 6 times I have tried this before.  Always my dang knee gets me--not in training, just in the race.  But I'm feeling good about tomorrow.

My long runs have all been great, and I worked myself up slowly and steadily to do this distance. The weather looks perfect for a race tomorrow, and I bought this new headband at the race expo so I can be really cute for my pictures.

This trip has been fun.  Stephen is running the full marathon with Mark, and it is always fun to be on vacation with Stephen.  And watching Stephen and Mark interact is the best.  They are the cutest brothers.

Today we had french toast at Kneader's for breakfast, picked up our bibs at the race expo, and then went back to Kneaders for soup and sandwiches (and cookies) for lunch.  Then I took a drive out to visit my parents for a short time, and headed back to beat the Davis County rush-hour traffic in time to get take-out spaghetti from a restaurant down the road.

The three of us had a fancy dinner in the hotel room, and then Mark and Stephen got serious about making their hydration plans for the race and figuring out all kinds of stuff that I don't care about...  But they are serious racers, and I'm here for the party.

Then it came time for the traditional outfit trying-on, bib-pinning and arm-swishing, and this time we got it all documented with photos.  Now all the stuff is laid out, our race bags are packed and we are ready.

I can't wait to hop on the bus in the morning and head up the canyon.  It is going to be a beautiful day, and I am so excited to race!

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