Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Don't mess with me, Ernesto!

My whole life I have wanted to see a hurricane in real life--from a completely safe distance, of course.  I have always loved all types of weather, and the stormier it was, the better for me.  I love a good storm.    I would have given anything for weather.com or the Noaa website when I was a kid.  Things like that were just a futuristic fantasy, though.  All I had was my cloud poster, barometer and the newspaper weather section.

Last year when we flew to Belize, tropical storm Harvey was just off the coast out in the Caribbean, and it made for the very most beautiful display of clouds I had ever seen in my life.

And then it made for the most exciting adventure to Lamanai the next day through the storm.

This year, our landfall on the Yucatan is going to coincide with Tropical Storm Ernesto, which will likely become a hurricane sometime today.  Looks like it is going to take a trip right across the island where we will be staying.   This could be an exciting adventure.  As long as our plane can land, I will be happy.  Rain, wind, clouds, lightning--it's all good to me.  Sure, I plan to get some sun in there as well, but I'll take a tropical storm with 90-degree rain anytime!

We'll see what happens.  I have a feeling that Ernesto will take a little jog north and the eye will pass over Mexico about 12 hours before we are scheduled to land.  I'd hate to be on a Caribbean cruise this week!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for a wonderful trip for your family...and a very safe one!
