Friday, September 28, 2012


So, I went from being desperately searching for sub jobs online to having more than I can handle.  It makes my day to get an email that says someone has requested me to sub, or I get a phone call from the school secretary asking me to fill a job.  It makes me feel loved.

I love the variety of classes I have been in: Language arts, social studies, math, wood shop, technology, lifeskills, aquatics, English.  I had to turn down a HS science job this week which made me sad.  Because science rules.

This week I took (and got 90% on)  the test to be certified as a "highly-qualified" language arts teacher.  Next up is social studies.  I may take math and science as well, because I love taking tests.  When my license renews next year, I want to see a whole list of endorsements on the back of it.  Not that I want a full-time teaching job right now.  I just want to be "highly-qualified" in as many areas as my brain will let me be, so I am prepared to take a job if the right opportunity comes my way.

I love teaching teenagers.

It is fun because I am home when the kids get home, but there is a lot to do once I get home!  I need to take a few days off next week to catch up on things.

Enough of that.

The kids have been busy with school.  Aubrey and Jacob got a big dose of reality this week when they had a project due and didn't properly estimate the time required...nearly an all-nighter.  I was up helping  Aubrey make colorful popcorn to shape into a brain, and making cricut letters for Jacob's display.

Joel and Noah are running cross country for their middle school.  Joel was on the verge of winning his meet last week when he tripped about 10 yards from the finish line and ended up coming in 13th place. It was like in the movie "Shark Tale" when the race-sea-horse Lucky Day is about to win, and then he trips on nothing right before the finish line.  Poor Joel.  He had to have me for his mom.  When he tripped, all I could think about was how unfortunately he had inherited my ability to fall, trip, stumble, get hurt, and generally make a fool of myself at the worst times.  I also thought about the time when I was 11 and as a goalie in soccer I drop kicked the ball right over my head into my own goal and scored the winning point for the other team.

Savvy and Zack are doing gymnastics one day a week.  The only reason I consented to this (besides the fact that Savanna cannot stop doing cartwheels, backbends, walk-overs, etc.) is that it is 1/2 mile from our house, and is before dinner time.  My poor kids do not get to do sports, because I cannot take the time commitment of practices, games, driving, waiting, etc.  I want everybody home for dinner.  Our yard is big enough, and we have enough kids, that they just play soccer, football, or whatever out in the backyard.

Mark went to Winco while I was teaching today and bought about 400 tomoatoes and all the makings for salsa.  Guess we're canning tonight!

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