Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Slowing down

I think my emotions are in check and I've come to grips with Abram being gone and Zacky in 1st grade now, and I am not trying to find a sub job every single day.  I can handle being home alone in my empty house all day.  I actually find it quite refreshing to have some quiet time to get things done.  And trust me, there is a lot to get done after spending so much time in the schools for the past few months.

Last week was pretty great.  I had 2 full days and 2 half days of subbing.  Government, physical science, spanish, American history.  The best day was when I got paid for a whole day of doing my bookkeeping.  The teacher I subbed for has a student teacher who is in charge of everything.  The deal is that there must be a licensed teacher in the room with the student teacher, though.  So I brought my laptop, bills, statements, etc. and spent the entire day catching up on some of the finer things in life that I have been neglecting.

Today I was in my kids' high school.  I love spying on them, and eating lunch with their teachers.  You can learn so much about your kids that way.

Tomorrow I am teaching a government class all day.  I'm crossing my fingers that I don't have to watch the same movie over and over and over again.  I hate sub days like that. 

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