I took a job today at the high school where I have been a lot lately. Unfortunately for me, it was not a math class. It was drama. I figured it wouldn't be too bad. Surely the teacher would have left some helpful lesson plans, drama games, scenes to act out, a movie to watch, etc.
She left nothing.
But I did find something in my quest to find lesson plans on her desk. I found 2 packages of Ritz crackers next to her keyboard. When I moved the keyboard over to search for plans, I noticed about 20 little tiny black things. I recognized what those black things were. Mouse poop.
I thought it was first funny that she had crackers sitting right next to where the mice poop was found. And then I looked up on the wall and found this sign:
I laughed out loud. Situational irony?
Anyway, I will never come back to this room. Mouse poop? I can deal with that. But 6 classes of drama classes with no plan? I can't take it.
...sorry. I'd be out the door with mouse poop.