Tuesday, March 12, 2013


We have always had 2 rules about cars in our family.
1) NEVER play inside a car, and
2) NEVER climb up on top of a car.
Zachary and his friend from next door were outside playing last weekend, and the dad from next door was outside with the kids.  They asked if they could climb up on top of the car, and he said they could.
Well, the excitement was too great for Zachary to stay on the ground, and he climbed up onto the hood of the neighbor's car with his friend right behind him.  He then climbed up onto the roof of the car.  He stepped on the sunroof and it smashed into a million pieces, and Zack fell down into the car through the broken glass.
The neighbor girl came to get me, and when I got over there, the neighbor had already extracted Zack from the car (which was locked, making it tricky) and was cleaning up Zacky's bloody face.  He had 100 cuts all over his arms, hands, feet, legs, and a scrape on his chin.  I carried him into the house where we discovered his most severe injury--right on his booty!  I hadn't even noticed the slash in his shorts and boxers, but when I carried him into the house, that's the first thing that Mark and Abram saw.  There was about a 2.5" gash on Zacky's butt, and it needed stitches.
Abram went with me to the emergency room.  The doctor came in and asked Zack what had happened, and he said something like, "My mom has always told me to never play on top of cars, but today I did and now I know why I shouldn't do that."  The doctor asked Zack if he had learned his lesson.  Zack said, "Yeah, next time I want to get in a car, I will just use the door!"

Zack was super brave while he got stitched up.  Abram held his hands and tried to keep him from thinking about what was going on under the lights behind him.

8 stitches--and 2 hours--later, we headed back home with a very lucky boy.  He could have been hurt so much worse than he was.  I am so grateful that Zack didn't cut his face, neck, or anywhere that a scar would have been visible.  I can't believe he didn't break a bone falling into the car, either.  It could have been so bad, yet all he has to show for it is a scar on his booty.

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