Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Alive and well

 I have a long post to write soon, but for now here are two pictures from yesterday after the bombing at the Boston Marathon.

Mark finished about an hour before the bombing.  Stephen finished about 10 minutes before the blasts, and he saw the bombs go off as he was in the finish area.

We were one block from the bombings and we are very blessed to have all been together when it happened so that we could all go back and hunker down in our hotel together.  The picture below is of the lineup of ambulances waiting to take victims to the hospital.
Mark ran a 3:15:56 and re-qualified for next year.  We will be there in 2014.

1 comment:

  1. I became a Facebook addict checking for your status updates yesterday Jill! When I left in the morning I remember seeing that you posted Mark's time, so I didn't fear when Karen H. called me (as I was out and about away from news reports) to hear if I knew anything about Boston. I realized that all the evil, horrific things that happen don't really affect you deeply until someone you know and love is involved. So glad to know you all are save, and were protected. The guardian angels looking over your fam at the Oregon coast had to be present on the other side of the continent for you yesterday. Enjoy New York!!
