Thursday, April 4, 2013

Too soon

From this moment almost 19 years ago, I have been dreading what is coming up in just a few weeks.  I remember holding Abram at the hospital on the night he was born and saying to him, "How will I ever let you leave to go on a mission?"

Well, it's coming right up, and I still don't know how I will do it.

Originally, he was leaving May 15th, but yesterday we got news that they need him to report on May 1st.  Because he is already fluent in Spanish, he will be in an advanced class and only stay for 2 weeks in Provo.  He will be leaving to Mexico on the day he originally was to report to the MTC.

I think I am OK with everything, because I know he will be having an awesome time from the moment he sets foot in Mexico.  He is ready to jump in and help and serve however he can.  He absolutely loves the Mexican people and culture already and he could not have been called to a more perfect mission.  I can't wait for those weekly emails to start coming through.

The thing that breaks my heart the most is thinking about Savanna and Zack telling him goodbye for 2 years.  We have sort of broken them in with Abram being away at school, but he has always been one Skype away if they wanted to talk to him.  I think about them missing Abram, and knowing how long 2 years is to a little kid, and then I break down.

But we can do hard things!

It was sad to pack up all of Abram's belongings before he left for college, but I am glad we have that done so I don't have to go through that again.  Now I am just filling 2 suitcases with his exciting missionary wardrobe.

I hurried and finished up his shopping yesterday, as we no longer will have 2 weeks to get things done when he comes home after the semester. We will only have a weekend with him before he leaves us for his 2-year, 2-man fiesta.   Mark is giving him a suit from his closet to wear at the MTC.  Mark and Abram are exactly the same height and weight. The missionaries in Xalapa never wear suits, only dress pants and short-sleeved shirts, so Abram didn't want a brand-new suit.  Thanks to Ross and Costco, he is outfitted with 9 pairs of Calvin Klein dress pants and 9 no-iron, short-sleeved white shirts for around $400.  Take that, Mr. Mac.

The part of his wardrobe I worried most about was shoes.   I just couldn't send him on a mission in some huge clunky shoes that may last 2 years but will kill his feet. Abram worked at Danner Boots last summer in the warehouse, and he knew about some awesome shoes that he wanted.  He also knows that Danner fits his foot perfectly and he can work all day in them, so we went with that.  He will have his pretty shoes for church, but he will be trapesing all around Xalapa in these bad boys.

His list said to send him with a raincoat, umbrella and rainboots, but everyone we know who has been there says a raincoat is worthless (which we know from the hot summer rain in Belize), and everyone from Oregon knows that umbrellas are for wimps, and that instead of rainboots which will never be worn, he should take a good pair of black leather waterproof boots instead.  Done.  Who needs a missionary mall?

Just a few more things on my list.  I've got to get Abram ready before we leave for Boston next Thursday!

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