An update on my mixer story. I took the mixer apart on Friday. Immediately I noticed that the gear housing was cracked, but I knew that wasn't the cause of the problem--just a result of something else freaking out inside of the housing. I unscrewed 4 screws, lifted the housing, and saw a big, black sludgey, slimey mess, with some gear shapes visible through the goo. I turned the mixer on and saw that all the gears were working well except for the top one. Upon investigation online, it appeared that it would be $100 to replace all the parts that might be wrong. I called KitchenAid, and for $100 I could have them take a look at it and figure out was was wrong, and then it would be above and beyond that to have it actually fixed.
My dryer fix was no big deal. Other than wiping away a few years worth of dust and lint, it was a very easy and clean fix. This, on the other hand it difficult. It could be something as simple as a $5 pin that broke (I found a small bit of what looks like it used to be the end of the pin while fishing in the black abyss of gear grease), or it could be the whole post and gear assembly stripped out. And then there's the $45 gear housing that needs replaced. To tell you the truth, the gear grease scares me.
So at this point, I'm ready to cut off the cord, give it to Savanna to use in her kitchen, and buy this beautiful black model on amazon.com. My old was gave me 4 good years. I expected more, but I really did use it a ton, so I don't think it's worth sinking $150-$200 into a 4-year-old mixer, when I can get a new one for $300.
I'm going through mixer withdrawals. While the kids like brownies and 'no-bake' cookies, they are hankering for some real cookies. And they had their first-ever taste of mashed potatoes from a box last Sunday, because I have no idea how to mash potatoes without a mixer. I'm too attention-deficit to mash by hand, anyway. I went to take some treats to a friend of mine whose husband is home on hospice care, and I couldn't take the usual chocolate chip cookie standby. I resorted to caramel corn. Yes, it was delicious, but not my signature treat.
Anyway, I'm awaiting word from our accountant to see what our taxes look like for 2007. Hopefully we don't owe too much so I can get this mixer soon.