Many of you know that on the day we moved into our house 8 years ago, I smashed my big toe basically off. It was horrible, and the ER surgeon was quite proud of his reconstruction. He told me I would likely not grow a new nail, and that I was missing about .25 inch of the tarsal bone. I still can't feel the end of the toe, and as long as I keep my nails painted, it really isn't obvious which toe is "special." Yesterday one of my sons, who shall remain nameless, said, "Mom, I really can't tell which of your toes is the smashed one." I told him it was amazing how well it had healed. He said, "No, I meant that they are both just so ugly that I can't tell which one is messed up." Yeah. My feet are definitely not my best feature.
Today was a really fun Mother's Day. It was nice of Noah to load the dishwasher for me. Here's what I found when I opened the dishwasher to unload it. You can't tell very well from this picture, but the pan is completely full of water and the muffin tin is submerged. Actually, it is three muffin tins all stacked inside of each other. But it's the thought that counts. I love my Noah. I might have a talk with him about the basic rules of hydraulics, gravity and drains. But I think I will actually just let him still believe that a dishwasher is just a magical machine that makes dishes clean if you just put them inside of it. At least until he is 9.
To say that Joel is obsessed with Albert Einstein would be an understatement. In second grade, he had to give a report about a famous person. I believe that is when the infatuation began when he selected Einstein. His report went something like this: Albert Einstein got married. Then he got divorced. Then he married his cousin. Those are three important facts about Albert Einstein.
Joel will be wearing his new lab coat for pretty much any occasion he can get away with.
Yesterday was Joel's birthday, and my mom surprised him with a lab coat that has "Albert Einstein" embroidered on it. Just what every 11-year-old boy wants for his birthday. The look on his face when he opened it was priceless. I'm sure he'll probably try to sneak it into church in the book bag tomorrow.