Friday, September 7, 2012

Dream job

I had such a fun day substitute teaching.  I taught at my kids's high school!

I left Jacob clicking on the sub website last night while he finished up his homework and I went to bed. I told him that whatever job came up to click on it and accept it.

When I came out of my bedroom this morning I had a paper taped to my door with the job details printed and a handwritten note that said, "Dear Mother,  You are my biology teacher today."  Woo-hoo!

I taught four AP Biology classes, babysat a study hall and taught a marine biology class about sea turtles.   The AP biology kids were learning about carbohydrates, and we used those cool molecule-making balls and sticks to create various monosacharides.  It was pretty dang exciting!

I can't wait to see what comes up next week!  As long as it isn't kindergarten I'll take it.

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