Friday, September 14, 2012

Nerdy momma

Today I had a priceless moment as a parent.

Jacob was asking me questions about ancient India as he was doing his AP World homework.  I answered most of them, and he was laughing and shaking his head and asking me how I knew such things.  I told him it was a bonus for having such a nerdy mom.

Then he asked, "Who was Siddhartha?"

I told him that he was the founder of Buddhism, a man who had left behind a life of privilege to become an ascetic and gain spiritual illumination.

Jacob laughed again and started writing.  I snuck off to my bedroom to find a little surprise for Jacob.

I returned to the kitchen with my copy of Herman Hesse's book "Siddhartha."  I handed it to Jacob and told him that if he wanted to learn a little more I would loan him my book.  He took the book and saw the title and laughed very hard.  He is always stunned that I have a book for every occasion, but in this case, he could NOT believe that I actually owned and had read the book Siddhartha.  It was just too random for him.

He loves me, though.

1 comment:

  1. I do not understand how you can have all this random knowledge locked up in that head of yours.(I'm still shaking my head in amazement!) I always encouraged my kids to look things up (in our set of Encyclopedia Britannica, no less, with updated year books :) but to have it in your head and be able to pull it out at the exact moment that it is need is way way way beyond me! You're awesome! (and I know who to call if I need any random information!)
