Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Foot Traffic Flat

One exciting thing that happened this summer was the Foot Traffic Flat.  We run it every year, and it is a great race.  You should totally come visit me and run it next 4th of July.  It really is a flat race, and there is fresh strawberry shortcake at the finish line!

I had really not trained the last month as I should have.  My trip to Utah for my dad's funeral put a real damper on running.  I would head out to run, and I would just end up crying.  I did enjoy a few short runs through my old Skyline stomping grounds while we were there, but there wasn't much training going on.  I was terrified of the half marathon that morning, and my only goal was just to NOT walk.

Two of my teacher friends also ran the half marathon.  I made matchy 4th of July headbands for us.  I ran the first 8 miles with one friend, and then she stopped to stretch a bit.  I kept on going.  Friends don't wait for friends when it is a race.  We all met up at the end to celebrate !  Yay for teachers who run together!
I ended up running the entire race without walking.  It was very slow, but I kept a steady 10:30 minute pace--like a slug, but I was steady and able to make it through the entire race in 2:18:59.

Savanna and Aubrey ran the 5k together.  Aubrey had a Boston shirt, and we tried to find one for Savanna.  They wanted to match.  We ended up buying a white tank top and painting the Boston B on there for Savvy.  The two girls ran step by step together, until the last 10 yards when Savvy elbowed Aubrey out of the way and ran right in front of her to finish first!

Noah also ran the 5k.  He finished in 28 minutes without doing any training!
 Mark finished his half marathon in 1:27.  He was super fast, so he and the 5k runners got their medals and then waited for Joel and me to finish our races.
 Mark is so fast and super cute.

 Joel finally beat me at a half marathon.  He ran a 2:06.  He is an awesome runner.  His hair looked super cool.  The night before we had been at a family reunion and Joel did his hair in a super crazy fashion for the family photo.  He used a lot of gel.  Then he got up with major bedhead and ran the race.  His sweat mixed with the gel to make his hair stand up in an electrifying and cool style.  It made him run really fast.
We are planning to run it again next year.  It's the best way to kick off the 4th of July!

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