Wednesday, August 14, 2013

YW Fun

When the strawberries were in season at the beginning of June, we had a YW night where we made freezer jam.  A lot of freezer jam.  Basically I made the girls make my jam, and I sent them each home with a container to share with their families.  It was a great night.

Each year, my week at YW camp is one of my favorite weeks of the year.  This week, my unexpected trip to Utah for my dad's funeral made it so I had to miss most of the week at camp, but I made it for the last day.  My job at camp is to be the raft guide, and the last day we have a course set up in the river that the girls have to do in a raft without me in the back yelling at them to paddle left, paddle right, etc.   They were awesome, and after the week I had had, it was so nice to be at the river and with my girls again.  I had time after the groups had all gone through to just sit in a raft on the river and think about everything.  It was beautiful and peaceful.

A couple of weeks after YW camp, we actually went camping for 2 nights.  Not the kind of camp where you sleep on a mattress in a cabin and walk to the dining hall to eat your delicious meal that the kitchen staff made for you.  I'm talking about sleeping in a tent, cooking everything outdoors and really roughing it.  Well, if flushing toilets and warm showers count as roughing it, that's what we did.  It was a blast.

Tinfoil dinners are my favorite.  Beef, zucchini, onions, carrots, potatoes, all roasted to perfection.
I loved swimming in the lake.  Savvy is not in YW yet, but she thinks she is.  She pretty much tags along on every activity and we all love it.
 I seriously love to cook outside.
The view of the lake from up above was just amazing.  It was a really fun camping adventure!

 For years Aubrey has been begging to have a cupcake fight for an activity.  I kept shutting her down, but for her very last activity, I finally let her have her way.  The girls brought unfrosted cupcakes, and I just swirled cool whip on the tops rather than wasting perfectly good buttercream frosting.  It was very messy, and the girls loved it.  We set up plates of cupcakes all over the grass, and the girls all started in a bunch and when we said go, they ran for the cupcakes.  I think the most fun part was watching them hose each other off.

We will see what kind of excitement the fall brings.  I'm not into fancy froo-froo stuff for YW.  We have learned lots of useful skills and had a lot of fun this year, though.  I love my girls.  And I love the women who work with me to make the magic happen for the girls.

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