Thursday, January 9, 2014

Je parle français

One thing I am so grateful for is that my dad taught me to love languages. He always had cassette tapes of languages in the car and at our house. He learned German on his mission and for the rest of his life he would light up whenever found someone to speak German with. And then he tried to learn a little of every other language he could.

Although my German never progressed beyond singing Stille Nacht and O Tannenbaum, I did learn French. For 5 years in school I took French. It is still in my brain, and I love to use it, although I am afraid to speak it.

My senior year I switched to Spanish and I ate it up. I love Spanish. I don't know much, but I am working on it.

I really love to sub for French and Spanish classes at the high school.  It's something that makes me happy.

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