Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If you don't have somethin' nice to say....

Many of you know that on the day we moved into our house 8 years ago, I smashed my big toe basically off. It was horrible, and the ER surgeon was quite proud of his reconstruction. He told me I would likely not grow a new nail, and that I was missing about .25 inch of the tarsal bone. I still can't feel the end of the toe, and as long as I keep my nails painted, it really isn't obvious which toe is "special." Yesterday one of my sons, who shall remain nameless, said, "Mom, I really can't tell which of your toes is the smashed one." I told him it was amazing how well it had healed. He said, "No, I meant that they are both just so ugly that I can't tell which one is messed up." Yeah. My feet are definitely not my best feature.


Daya said...

It is so funny that you posted this!! I was just thinking about this the other day. I know the office just had it's birthday and I was remembering how I interviewed a day or 2 after you smashed your toe. I would have to agree that it has healed nicely. I like that polish too.

nanadover said...

Hey, I have one of those "lovely" toes too! When I was about 3, my sister pushed me on an old tricycle with spokes in the tires. My little bare foot went into the spokes and my toe nail was torn off. Then, fast forward about 15 years...I was working in a cafeteria. The security guard stepped on my foot with his work boots on, and tore the same toenail off again. Hence, I'm left with a very ugly damaged toenail.
Good thing I wear shoes most of the time!
Here's to ugly toes!!!