I love this snuggly boy. He is the happiest, most mellow baby. I love to hear his footsteps as he wanders around the house looking for his buddies to play with. It is kind of sad when the kids are at school and Zack goes to the stairs which lead to the basement and calls, "GUYS? GUYS?" He's just sure they are down there hiding from him. His happiest moment is when we stand on the porch and watch Abram and Aubrey get off of the school bus in the afternoon.
Zachary loves to play with balls. Baseballs, footballs, basketballs, tennis balls, soccer balls--he loves them all. Ball was his first word. If Zachary is ever sad, I just run to the basement and get his little Zacky-sized playground ball, and all is well.
Zack likes to be big, and communicated quite clearly about a month ago that he did not want to sit in the high chair or sleep in the crib like a baby. So now he is a big boy.
Zack loves Pooh and Tigger. Besides BALL, MAMA, DADDA, his only other 2 words are POOH and TIGGER.
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